
Netflix エラーの対処法

我が家にApple TVがきてから使い出したNetflix(オンラインDVDレンタルショップ)。郵便で届けられるレンタルDVDの他に、Instant Streamというサービスも行っていて、常にまあまあの数の映画、TV番組が見られる。Apple TVとの組み合わせでバグがたまに発生するが、昨日はネフリ自体が不調のようで動いていなかった。



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We're sorry you may have had trouble watching instantly

Yesterday, you may have had trouble instantly watching TV episodes or movies due to technical issues.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. This is not a great way to begin your Netflix membership. So that you can properly experience Netflix, we would like to extend your free trial by one day. If you attempted and were unable to instantly watch TV episodes or movies yesterday, click on this account specific link in the next 7 days to extend your free trial. Credit can only be applied once.

Ready to start watching again? Check out our latest selection.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding. If you need further assistance, please call us------------.

-The Netflix Team

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